Everyone has seen the MDA Telethon and MDA Walks around the nation, and the local fire department's "Fill the Boot" Campaign every year. These efforts raise money and awareness for all forms of Muscular Dystrophy, as well as disorders that fall under the "MD umbrella." What you may not know, is that Charcot-Marie-Toothe disease falls under that umbrella. So if you donate to the MDA or participate in one of the walk-a-thons, you are contributing to finding a cure for CMT. So the next time you see a fireman with a boot while you're at a stop light, throw your loose change in for Brody!
So, on that note, we are so excited to be participating in the Southeast Texas MDA Muscle Walk next weekend. My former high school, where my mom is employed, raised money for MDA, specifically for CMT, and donated it in Brody's honor. They will be participating in the Muscle Walk and invited Brody to attend as a guest of honor. So we'll be walking to celebrate his life and health, as well as raise awareness about his disease. He'll walk as much as he can, and then probably hop in the stroller when his legs get tired. We're excited to not only get to participate, but also get to personally thank those who are donating and working hard to help find a cure for CMT, as well as all other neuromuscular diseases.
So, if you're from the Beaumont area, sign up to walk and come join us! We'd love to see all of you! Click here for more information!