Sorry we've been a little out of touch lately...lots has been going on. We've had you know, just normal life, as well as lots of craziness with insurance, fundraising, etc. So we've been preoccupied and unable to blog much.
In early April we learned that because of Brody's CMT, our insurance premium was doubling. We are already paying a pretty high premium, so doubling it is not an option for us. So we began to get quotes from other companies. However, we learned that although they can't deny Brody because he is a child, they would be charging us the same high rates because of his condition. So we've been jumping through hoops, filling out applications, and talking with everyone who knows anything about this type of dilemma. It has been stressful, to say the least. But the Lord has had his hand on us through all of it. We've had a peace about all of it, and know that He will provide whatever solution is best for us.
In the meantime, my family hosted a garage sale a couple of weeks ago. My family, as well as a lot of their co-workers, donated a LOT of stuff and we had another huge, successful sale. We made about $1700! So there's another set of braces paid for!! I have a feeling we'll be buying those later this year as Brody seems to be growing taller these days. So thank you to all of you who priced, sorted and worked the sale. We could never thank you enough for all of the love and encouragement you give us daily!
Brody still hasn't been in physical therapy for a couple of months. We are out of visits with our current insurance plan (it is still in effect until June 30) and there is still no full-time therapist at his rehab center. However, he has been adamant about doing his at home exercises. His former therapist left us with very detailed exercises for him...stretches, activities, etc and he loves it. Some of it is painful, especially the stretching, but he pushes through and asks to do it every night. Last night he even said "Can I do exercises tonight instead of picking a book before bed?" So hopefully this is keeping him on track as far as strengthening his legs and preventing deterioration.
So there's a quick update. I hope to be better about posting more often, especially as things happen worth blogging about. We've got an exciting Mother's Day weekend planned...Baby Brooks is being dedicated at church on Sunday, and we are cooking a Mother's Day lunch for our moms and sisters. Hope everyone else has a wonderful Mother's Day as well!!